Tentang Wayang Golek Asep Sunandar: Cepot Rarabi
Dipersembahkan Wayang Golek Sunda oleh Ki Dalang Asep Sunandar dalam lakon Cepot Rarabi, Sanghyang Tunggal Wibawa. Nikmati serunya kisah Cepot menemukan pujaan hatinya Dewi Wiriginingsih yang dilihatnya dalam mimpi. Bagaimanakah nasib Cepot? Dapatkah menemukan kekasih pujaannya dalam mimpi Dewi Wiriginingsih? dan siapakah nama Shanghyang Tunggal Wibawa? Silahkan di install dan temukan jawabannya. Juga Nikmati lucunya bobodoran khas Sunda yang ada dalam cerita wayang golek ini.
Wayang Golek adalah suatu seni tradisional sunda pertunjukan wayang yang terbuat dari boneka kayu, yang terutama sangat populer di wilayah Tanah Pasundan, Daerah penyebarannya terbentang luas dari Cirebon di sebelah timur sampai wilayah Banten di sebelah barat, bahkan di daerah Jawa Tengah yang berbatasan dengan Jawa Barat sering pula dipertunjukkan pergelaran Wayang Golek.
Ki Asep Sunandar Sunarya adalah seorang maestro wayang golek di Indonesia. Selaku dalang wayang golek, Beliau konsisten pada bidang garapannya, teu incah balilahan. Tanpa adanya seorang Asep Sunandar Sunarya mungkin Cepot tidak akan sepopuler sekarang ini. Berkat kreativitas dan inovasinya, Beliau berhasil meningkatkan lagi derajat wayang golek yang dianggap seni kampungan oleh segelintir orang. Peningkatan itu dilakukan dengan menciptakan wayang Cepot yang bisa mangguk-mangguk, Buta muntah mie, Arjuna dengan alat panahnya, Bima dengan gadanya begitu pula dengan pakaian wayangnya yang terkesan mewah.
Sunda adalah kelompok etnis yang berasal dari bagian barat pulau Jawa, Indonesia, dengan istilah Tatar Pasundan yang mencakup wilayah administrasi provinsi Jawa Barat, Banten, Jakarta, dan wilayah barat Jawa Tengah (Banyumasan). Orang Sunda tersebar diberbagai wilayah Indonesia, dengan provinsi Banten dan Jawa Barat sebagai wilayah utamanya.
Fitur Unggulan
* Audio offline. Semua audio dapat dinikmati kapan saja dan di mana saja walau tanpa koneksi internet. Juga tidak perlu streaming sehingga sangat menghemat kuota data.
* Fitur Shuffle. Memainkan audio dengan random secara otomatis. Memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda dan menghibur tentunya.
* Fitur Repeat/Ulang. Memainkan semua atau setiap audio secara otomatis dan terus-menerus. Memberikan kemudahan untuk mendengarkan semua lagu yang tersedia secara otomatis.
* Fitur play, pause, next, dan slider bar. Memberikan kontrol penuh pada setiap memainkan audio.
* Minimal permission (permisi). Aman bagi data pribadi karena tidak diambil sama sekali oleh aplikasi ini.
* Gratis. Dapat dinikmati sepenuhnya tanpa perlu membayar sepeser-pun.
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.
About Wayang Golek Asep Sunandar: Fast Rarabi
Presented by the Sundanese Wayang Golek by Ki Dalang Asep Sunandar in the play Cepot Rarabi, Sanghyang Tunggal Wibawa. Enjoy the thrill of Cepot's story of finding the idol of his heart, Dewi Wiriginingsih, who he saw in a dream. What is the fate of Cepot? Can you find her sweetheart in the dream of Dewi Wiriginingsih? and what is the name Shanghyang Tunggal Wibawa? Please install and find the answer. Also Enjoy the funny funny Sundanese bobodorant in this wayang golek story.
Wayang Golek is a traditional Sundanese puppet show made of wooden puppets, which is especially very popular in the Tanah Pasundan region. Its distribution area stretches from Cirebon in the east to Banten in the west, even in the Central Java region bordering West Java often also performed Wayang Golek performances.
Ki Asep Sunandar Sunarya is a puppet show maestro in Indonesia. As a puppeteer puppeteer, he is consistent in the field of his work, still good. Without an Asep Sunandar Sunarya, maybe Cepot would not be as popular today. Thanks to his creativity and innovation, he managed to increase the degree of wayang golek which was considered a tacky art by a handful of people. The improvement was done by creating a puppet Cepot that could nod, nodding vomiting noodles, Arjuna with his arrow, Bima with his gear as well as his puppet clothes that seemed luxurious.
Sundanese are ethnic groups originating from the western part of the island of Java, Indonesia, with the term Tatar Pasundan which covers the administrative regions of the provinces of West Java, Banten, Jakarta, and the western region of Central Java (Banyumasan). Sundanese are scattered in various regions of Indonesia, with the provinces of Banten and West Java as the main regions.
Featured Features
* Offline audio. All audio can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere even without an internet connection. Also no need to stream so it saves data quota.
* Shuffle feature. Play audio with random automatically. Providing a different and entertaining experience of course.
* Repeat / Repeat feature. Play all or every audio automatically and continuously. Provides convenience for listening to all available songs automatically.
* Play, pause, next, and slider bar features. Provides full control on every audio play.
* Minimal permission (excuse me). Safe for personal data because it is not taken at all by this application.
* Free. Can be fully enjoyed without paying a penny.
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you have the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via developer email and tell us about the status of your ownership.